Metabolic Efficiency

An oatmeal with staying power

An oatmeal with staying power

Ya’ll don’t need a wimpy oatmeal or overnight oats that leaves you Starvin’ Marvin’ in 38 minutes. Check out this post for ideas for more staying power in your oatmeal mix!

A High-Protein Secret Ingredient Chia Pudding

A High-Protein Secret Ingredient Chia Pudding

For all the cottage cheese lovers (and haters), you gotta check out this recipe, especially if you are seeking high protein, nutrient-dense, satisfying snack ideas that you can make ahead for grab-and-go.

Homemade Granola, Version 2

Homemade Granola, Version 2

This homemade granola features 7 grams of protein per serving (about 2x the amount of protein in most store-bought granolas) with low added sugar and a moderate carbohydrate content.

Hunger Doesn't Equal Weakness

Hunger Doesn't Equal Weakness

Got hunger? Lean protein wins every time. Kristin provides a quick and simple recipe that is sure to satisfy…and keep your blood sugar in control.

Pumpkin Flapjacks 2 (Birch Benders base)

Pumpkin Flapjacks 2 (Birch Benders base)

Say what? Pancakes before a workout? Uh huh… and there’s pumpkin involved. Don’t be scared.