Other Dina Life Stuff

DNSs and a Nutrition Reset of Sorts

DNSs and a Nutrition Reset of Sorts

I have to admit that of the 15+ years I’ve been participating in endurance events, it’s been difficult to have several race DNSs ("did not start") over the past 2 months.  I am sad to defer these races.  But really, I mean REALLY, I go back to “This is just an elbow and arm.”  Things could be far worse.

Where ya been?… and picking yourself up

Where ya been?… and picking yourself up

My tendency to think I have worthy blog posts comes and goes. Lately, I admit to the "wane" slump.  However, I’ve been asked by many “What have you been up to and what are you racing this year?” so I figured it’s time for a quick catch up blog post. And also to let you know I, too, have to pick myself up from a metaphorical (and literal) fall.

Being in each other’s shoes: Compassion, at a minimum.

Being in each other’s shoes: Compassion, at a minimum.

Sometimes our lives become enriched by people we barely know or by people from different backgrounds than our own.  Our paths cross and if we are lucky, we are forever changed by that experience.   A weekend experience in October was one that changed me...